Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cutting our teeth

Starting last Thursday, we finally got into some game action, and our new guys are getting a chance to get a  taste of what college baseball is all about.  In all, we've done pretty well thus far, with most players adjusting well and giving a good look.  Obviously, we have a lot of work to do and a lot of room for improvement, and we'll get an even more definitive look at what we've got when we toe the line against somebody else on Thursday.

Its hard not to be excited about our young pitching, even if its only been 3 games.  As expected out of a young group, we're a little wild at the moment, but we've run out at least 5 or 6 guys that I would put ahead of where last year's horses were when they were at this point as freshman.  The real question will be how they develop and grow moving forward, but for right now, the future looks bright.

Offensively, we need to get some guys going, but the offense is always the last thing to come around.  Half of it is because hitting is hard.  The other half is because it takes a while for some guys to hop on board and get outside of their comfort zone.

Each of our intrasquads so far has been very close on the scoreboard, and that speaks well for us as a whole because it means we're as deep as we hope to be.  Today is our final test run before we roll into someone else's back yard, and after a good day of work yesterday, I think we'll have a great game today.

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